A Mid-west full-service extruder specializing in custom aluminum extrusions needed a product that is non-flammable, water based, easy to apply by multiple methods, and performed to their intended functions. Since they were located only a few miles from our facility, it made the process of working with them much easier. We were able to see the extrusion process firsthand and communicate with their employees. This allowed us to better understand our customer’s problems and how to help solve them.
Our task was to develop a product that would meet all of their aluminum extruders requirements.We then developed ATP-R70and were able to achieve all benchmarks set by the aluminum extruder. ATP-R70 is a water based, economical, boron nitride, anti-stick coating formulated specifically for the aluminum extrusion process. It provided them with a quality improvement, cost savings, and an environmentally friendly product.
“I am pleased with our decision to convert to this product. The function of this type of product in the extrusion industry in a necessary one for all extruders.” -General Manager